From our recent research of 770 European high-net-worth (HNW) investors, an interesting segment of clientele emerged – Travellers. Any wealthy wanderers who have relocated more than three times fall into this category, with an average of five relocations over their lifetime. They are generally younger and more financially successful than the overall sample, perhaps due to the career opportunities offered by an international lifestyle. Despite their strong aptitude to upheave their professional and personal lives, the most sought after attribute in a new wealth manager abroad is stability.

Furthermore, our insights revealed that Travellers play the relocation game a little differently to other HNW personas. One of their main motivations for relocation is to maximise their earnings in a low tax jurisdiction (23%) and surprisingly, 38% of them turn to their current or future employer for support with relocation concerns.


Grasping how best to serve these individuals should be at the top of an advisors agenda.  Interested in learning more?

Click on the image below to download our e-book #Success in #Relocation!